Explain a forecast from time series models with dependence-aware (conditional/observational) Shapley values
Computes dependence-aware Shapley values for observations in explain_idx
from the specified
by using the method specified in approach
to estimate the conditional expectation.
Aas, et. al (2021)
for a thorough introduction to dependence-aware prediction explanation with Shapley values.
xreg = NULL,
train_idx = NULL,
explain_xreg_lags = explain_y_lags,
max_n_coalitions = NULL,
iterative = NULL,
group_lags = TRUE,
group = NULL,
n_MC_samples = 1000,
seed = 1,
predict_model = NULL,
get_model_specs = NULL,
verbose = "basic",
extra_computation_args = list(),
iterative_args = list(),
output_args = list(),
- model
Model object. Specifies the model whose predictions we want to explain. Run
for a table of which modelsexplain
supports natively. Unsupported models can still be explained by passingpredict_model
and (optionally)get_model_specs
, see details for more information.- y
Matrix, data.frame/data.table or a numeric vector. Contains the endogenous variables used to estimate the (conditional) distributions needed to properly estimate the conditional expectations in the Shapley formula including the observations to be explained.
- xreg
Matrix, data.frame/data.table or a numeric vector. Contains the exogenous variables used to estimate the (conditional) distributions needed to properly estimate the conditional expectations in the Shapley formula including the observations to be explained. As exogenous variables are used contemporaneously when producing a forecast, this item should contain nrow(y) + horizon rows.
- train_idx
Numeric vector. The row indices in data and reg denoting points in time to use when estimating the conditional expectations in the Shapley value formula. If
train_idx = NULL
(default) all indices not selected to be explained will be used.- explain_idx
Numeric vector. The row indices in data and reg denoting points in time to explain.
- explain_y_lags
Numeric vector. Denotes the number of lags that should be used for each variable in
when making a forecast.- explain_xreg_lags
Numeric vector. If
xreg != NULL
, denotes the number of lags that should be used for each variable inxreg
when making a forecast.- horizon
Numeric. The forecast horizon to explain. Passed to the
function.- approach
Character vector of length
or one less than the number of features. All elements should, either be"gaussian"
, or"regression_surrogate"
. The two regression approaches can not be combined with any other approach. See details for more information.- phi0
Numeric. The prediction value for unseen data, i.e. an estimate of the expected prediction without conditioning on any features. Typically we set this value equal to the mean of the response variable in our training data, but other choices such as the mean of the predictions in the training data are also reasonable.
- max_n_coalitions
Integer. The upper limit on the number of unique feature/group coalitions to use in the iterative procedure (if
iterative = TRUE
). Ifiterative = FALSE
it represents the number of feature/group coalitions to use directly. The quantity refers to the number of unique feature coalitions ifgroup = NULL
, and group coalitions ifgroup != NULL
.max_n_coalitions = NULL
corresponds tomax_n_coalitions=2^n_features
.- iterative
Logical or NULL If
(default), the argument is set toTRUE
if there are more than 5 features/groups, andFALSE
otherwise. If eventuallyTRUE
, the Shapley values are estimated iteratively in an iterative manner. This provides sufficiently accurate Shapley value estimates faster. First an initial number of coalitions is sampled, then bootsrapping is used to estimate the variance of the Shapley values. A convergence criterion is used to determine if the variances of the Shapley values are sufficiently small. If the variances are too high, we estimate the number of required samples to reach convergence, and thereby add more coalitions. The process is repeated until the variances are below the threshold. Specifics related to the iterative process and convergence criterion are set throughiterative_args
.- group_lags
Logical. If
all lags of each variable are grouped together and explained as a group. IfFALSE
all lags of each variable are explained individually.- group
List. If
regular feature wise Shapley values are computed. If provided, group wise Shapley values are computed.group
then has length equal to the number of groups. The list element contains character vectors with the features included in each of the different groups. See Jullum et al. (2021) for more information on group wise Shapley values.- n_MC_samples
Positive integer. For most approaches, it indicates the maximum number of samples to use in the Monte Carlo integration of every conditional expectation. For
corresponds to the number of samples from the leaf node (see an exception related to thectree.sample
). Forapproach="empirical"
is the \(K\) parameter in equations (14-15) of Aas et al. (2021), i.e. the maximum number of observations (with largest weights) that is used, see also theempirical.eta
.- seed
Positive integer. Specifies the seed before any randomness based code is being run. If
no seed is set in the calling environment.- predict_model
Function. The prediction function used when
is not natively supported. (Runget_supported_models()
for a list of natively supported models.) The function must have two arguments,model
which specify, respectively, the model and a data.frame/data.table to compute predictions for. The function must give the prediction as a numeric vector.NULL
(the default) uses functions specified internally. Can also be used to override the default function for natively supported model classes.- get_model_specs
Function. An optional function for checking model/data consistency when
is not natively supported. (Runget_supported_models()
for a list of natively supported models.) The function takesmodel
as argument and provides a list with 3 elements:- labels
Character vector with the names of each feature.
- classes
Character vector with the classes of each features.
- factor_levels
Character vector with the levels for any categorical features.
(the default) internal functions are used for natively supported model classes, and the checking is disabled for unsupported model classes. Can also be used to override the default function for natively supported model classes.- verbose
String vector or NULL. Specifies the verbosity (printout detail level) through one or more of strings
(default) displays basic information about the computation which is being performed."progress
displays information about where in the calculation process the function currently is. #'"convergence"
displays information on how close to convergence the Shapley value estimates are (only wheniterative = TRUE
) ."shapley"
displays intermediate Shapley value estimates and standard deviations (only wheniterative = TRUE
)the final estimates.
displays information about the v_S estimates. This is most relevant forapproach %in% c("regression_separate", "regression_surrogate", "vaeac"
means no printout. Note that any combination of four strings can be used. E.g.verbose = c("basic", "vS_details")
will display basic information + details about the v(S)-estimation process.
- extra_computation_args
Named list. Specifies extra arguments related to the computation of the Shapley values. See
for description of the arguments and their default values.- iterative_args
Named list. Specifies the arguments for the iterative procedure. See
for description of the arguments and their default values.- output_args
Named list. Specifies certain arguments related to the output of the function. See
for description of the arguments and their default values.- ...
Arguments passed on to
Data.table. (Optional) Containing the joint probability distribution for each combination of feature values.
means it is estimated from thex_train
Numeric value. (Optional) If
is not supplied, probabilities/frequencies are estimated usingx_train
. If certain observations occur inx_explain
and NOT inx_train
, then epsilon is used as the proportion of times that these observations occurs in the training data. In theory, this proportion should be zero, but this causes an error later in the Shapley computation.internal
List. Not used directly, but passed through from
Numeric scalar or vector. Either a scalar or vector of length equal to the number of features in the model. The value is equal to 1 - \(\alpha\) where \(\alpha\) is the nominal level of the conditional independence tests. If it is a vector, this indicates which value to use when conditioning on various numbers of features. The default value is 0.95.
Numeric scalar. Determines minimum value that the sum of the left and right daughter nodes required for a split. The default value is 20.
Numeric scalar. Determines the minimum sum of weights in a terminal node required for a split The default value is 7.
Boolean. If
(default), then the method always samplesn_MC_samples
observations from the leaf nodes (with replacement). IfFALSE
and the number of observations in the leaf node is less thann_MC_samples
, the method will take all observations in the leaf. IfFALSE
and the number of observations in the leaf node is more thann_MC_samples
, the method will samplen_MC_samples
observations (with replacement). This means that there will always be sampling in the leaf unlesssample = FALSE
and the number of obs in the node is less thann_MC_samples
Character. (default =
) Should be equal to either"independence"
is deprecated. Useapproach = "independence"
uses a fixed bandwidth (set throughempirical.fixed_sigma
) in the kernel density estimation."AICc_each_k"
optimize the bandwidth using the AICc criterion, with respectively one bandwidth per coalition size and one bandwidth for all coalition sizes.empirical.eta
Numeric scalar. Needs to be
0 < eta <= 1
. The default value is 0.95. Represents the minimum proportion of the total empirical weight that data samples should use. If e.g.eta = .8
we will choose theK
samples with the largest weight so that the sum of the weights accounts for 80\eta
is the \(\eta\) parameter in equation (15) of Aas et al. (2021).empirical.fixed_sigma
Positive numeric scalar. The default value is 0.1. Represents the kernel bandwidth in the distance computation used when conditioning on all different coalitions. Only used when
empirical.type = "fixed_sigma"
Positive integer. Number of samples to consider in AICc optimization. The default value is 1000. Only used for
is either"AICc_each_k"
Positive integer. Maximum number of iterations when optimizing the AICc. The default value is 20. Only used for
is either"AICc_each_k"
Numeric. Start value of the
parameter when optimizing the AICc. The default value is 0.1. Only used forempirical.type
is either"AICc_each_k"
Numeric matrix. (Optional) The covariance matrix of the data generating distribution used to define the Mahalanobis distance.
means it is estimated fromx_train
Numeric vector. (Optional) Containing the mean of the data generating distribution.
means it is estimated from thex_train
Numeric matrix. (Optional) Containing the covariance matrix of the data generating distribution.
means it is estimated from thex_train
Positive numeric scalar. Represents the kernel bandwidth in the distance computation. The default value is 2.
Numeric vector of length two. Specifies the lower and upper bounds of the timeseries. The default is
, i.e. no bounds. If one or both of these bounds are notNULL
, we restrict the sampled time series to be between these bounds. This is useful if the underlying time series are scaled between 0 and 1, for example.vaeac.depth
Positive integer (default is
). The number of hidden layers in the neural networks of the masked encoder, full encoder, and decoder.vaeac.width
Positive integer (default is
). The number of neurons in each hidden layer in the neural networks of the masked encoder, full encoder, and decoder.vaeac.latent_dim
Positive integer (default is
). The number of dimensions in the latent space.vaeac.lr
Positive numeric (default is
). The learning rate used in thetorch::optim_adam()
representing an activation function such as, e.g.,torch::nn_relu()
, ortorch::nn_sigmoid()
Positive integer (default is
). The number of different vaeac models to initiate in the start. Pick the best performing one aftervaeac.extra_parameters$epochs_initiation_phase
epochs (default is2
) and continue training that one.vaeac.epochs
Positive integer (default is
). The number of epochs to train the final vaeac model. This includesvaeac.extra_parameters$epochs_initiation_phase
, where the default is2
Named list with extra parameters to the
approach. Seevaeac_get_extra_para_default()
for description of possible additional parameters and their default values.
Object of class c("shapr", "list")
. Contains the following items:
data.table with the estimated Shapley values with explained observation in the rows and features along the columns. The column
is the prediction not devoted to any of the features (given by the argumentphi0
data.table with the standard deviation of the Shapley values reflecting the uncertainty. Note that this only reflects the coalition sampling part of the kernelSHAP procedure, and is therefore by definition 0 when all coalitions is used. Only present when
, which is the default wheniterative = TRUE
List with the different parameters, data, functions and other output used internally.
Numeric vector with the predictions for the explained observations
List with the values of the MSEv evaluation criterion for the approach. See the MSEv evaluation section in the general usage for details.
List containing timing information for the different parts of the computation.
gives the time stamps for the start and end of the computation.total_time_secs
gives the total time in seconds for the complete execution ofexplain()
gives the time in seconds for the main computations.iter_timing_secs
gives for each iteration of the iterative estimation, the time spent on the different parts iterative estimation routine.
This function explains a forecast of length horizon
. The argument train_idx
is analogous to x_train in explain()
, however, it just contains the time indices of where
in the data the forecast should start for each training sample. In the same way explain_idx
defines the time index (indices) which will precede a forecast to be explained.
As any autoregressive forecast model will require a set of lags to make a forecast at an
arbitrary point in time, explain_y_lags
and explain_xreg_lags
define how many lags
are required to "refit" the model at any given time index. This allows the different
approaches to work in the same way they do for time-invariant models.
See the forecasting section of the general usages for further details.
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Load example data
data <- data.table::as.data.table(airquality)
# Fit an AR(2) model.
model_ar_temp <- ar(data$Temp, order = 2)
# Calculate the zero prediction values for a three step forecast.
p0_ar <- rep(mean(data$Temp), 3)
# Empirical approach, explaining forecasts starting at T = 152 and T = 153.
model = model_ar_temp,
y = data[, "Temp"],
train_idx = 2:151,
explain_idx = 152:153,
explain_y_lags = 2,
horizon = 3,
approach = "empirical",
phi0 = p0_ar,
group_lags = FALSE
} # }