Set up the framework chosen approach
, R/approach_categorical.R
, R/approach_copula.R
, and 8 more
The different choices of approach
take different (optional) parameters,
which are forwarded from explain()
See the general usage vignette
for more information about the different approaches.
setup_approach(internal, ...)
# S3 method for class 'combined'
setup_approach(internal, ...)
# S3 method for class 'categorical'
categorical.joint_prob_dt = NULL,
categorical.epsilon = 0.001,
# S3 method for class 'copula'
setup_approach(internal, ...)
# S3 method for class 'ctree'
ctree.mincriterion = 0.95,
ctree.minsplit = 20,
ctree.minbucket = 7,
ctree.sample = TRUE,
# S3 method for class 'empirical'
empirical.type = "fixed_sigma",
empirical.eta = 0.95,
empirical.fixed_sigma = 0.1,
empirical.n_samples_aicc = 1000,
empirical.eval_max_aicc = 20,
empirical.start_aicc = 0.1,
empirical.cov_mat = NULL,
model = NULL,
predict_model = NULL,
# S3 method for class 'gaussian'
setup_approach(internal, = NULL, gaussian.cov_mat = NULL, ...)
# S3 method for class 'independence'
setup_approach(internal, ...)
# S3 method for class 'regression_separate'
regression.model = parsnip::linear_reg(),
regression.tune_values = NULL,
regression.vfold_cv_para = NULL,
regression.recipe_func = NULL,
# S3 method for class 'regression_surrogate'
regression.model = parsnip::linear_reg(),
regression.tune_values = NULL,
regression.vfold_cv_para = NULL,
regression.recipe_func = NULL,
regression.surrogate_n_comb =
internal$iter_list[[length(internal$iter_list)]]$n_coalitions - 2,
# S3 method for class 'timeseries'
timeseries.fixed_sigma = 2,
timeseries.bounds = c(NULL, NULL),
# S3 method for class 'vaeac'
vaeac.depth = 3,
vaeac.width = 32,
vaeac.latent_dim = 8,
vaeac.activation_function = torch::nn_relu, = 0.001,
vaeac.n_vaeacs_initialize = 4,
vaeac.epochs = 100,
vaeac.extra_parameters = list(),
- internal
List. Not used directly, but passed through from
.- ...
Arguments passed to specific classes. See below
- categorical.joint_prob_dt
Data.table. (Optional) Containing the joint probability distribution for each combination of feature values.
means it is estimated from thex_train
.- categorical.epsilon
Numeric value. (Optional) If
is not supplied, probabilities/frequencies are estimated usingx_train
. If certain observations occur inx_explain
and NOT inx_train
, then epsilon is used as the proportion of times that these observations occurs in the training data. In theory, this proportion should be zero, but this causes an error later in the Shapley computation.- ctree.mincriterion
Numeric scalar or vector. Either a scalar or vector of length equal to the number of features in the model. The value is equal to 1 - \(\alpha\) where \(\alpha\) is the nominal level of the conditional independence tests. If it is a vector, this indicates which value to use when conditioning on various numbers of features. The default value is 0.95.
- ctree.minsplit
Numeric scalar. Determines minimum value that the sum of the left and right daughter nodes required for a split. The default value is 20.
- ctree.minbucket
Numeric scalar. Determines the minimum sum of weights in a terminal node required for a split The default value is 7.
- ctree.sample
Boolean. If
(default), then the method always samplesn_MC_samples
observations from the leaf nodes (with replacement). IfFALSE
and the number of observations in the leaf node is less thann_MC_samples
, the method will take all observations in the leaf. IfFALSE
and the number of observations in the leaf node is more thann_MC_samples
, the method will samplen_MC_samples
observations (with replacement). This means that there will always be sampling in the leaf unlesssample = FALSE
and the number of obs in the node is less thann_MC_samples
.- empirical.type
Character. (default =
) Should be equal to either"independence"
is deprecated. Useapproach = "independence"
uses a fixed bandwidth (set throughempirical.fixed_sigma
) in the kernel density estimation."AICc_each_k"
optimize the bandwidth using the AICc criterion, with respectively one bandwidth per coalition size and one bandwidth for all coalition sizes.- empirical.eta
Numeric scalar. Needs to be
0 < eta <= 1
. The default value is 0.95. Represents the minimum proportion of the total empirical weight that data samples should use. If e.g.eta = .8
we will choose theK
samples with the largest weight so that the sum of the weights accounts for 80\eta
is the \(\eta\) parameter in equation (15) of Aas et al. (2021).- empirical.fixed_sigma
Positive numeric scalar. The default value is 0.1. Represents the kernel bandwidth in the distance computation used when conditioning on all different coalitions. Only used when
empirical.type = "fixed_sigma"
- empirical.n_samples_aicc
Positive integer. Number of samples to consider in AICc optimization. The default value is 1000. Only used for
is either"AICc_each_k"
.- empirical.eval_max_aicc
Positive integer. Maximum number of iterations when optimizing the AICc. The default value is 20. Only used for
is either"AICc_each_k"
.- empirical.start_aicc
Numeric. Start value of the
parameter when optimizing the AICc. The default value is 0.1. Only used forempirical.type
is either"AICc_each_k"
.- empirical.cov_mat
Numeric matrix. (Optional) The covariance matrix of the data generating distribution used to define the Mahalanobis distance.
means it is estimated fromx_train
.- model
Objects. The model object that ought to be explained. See the documentation of
for details.- predict_model
Function. The prediction function used when
is not natively supported. See the documentation ofexplain()
for details.-
Numeric vector. (Optional) Containing the mean of the data generating distribution.
means it is estimated from thex_train
.- gaussian.cov_mat
Numeric matrix. (Optional) Containing the covariance matrix of the data generating distribution.
means it is estimated from thex_train
.- regression.model
object of classmodel_specs
. Default is a linear regression model, i.e.,parsnip::linear_reg()
. See tidymodels for all possible models, and see the vignette for how to add new/own models. Note, to make it easier to callexplain()
from Python, theregression.model
parameter can also be a string specifying the model which will be parsed and evaluated. For example,"parsnip::rand_forest(mtry = hardhat::tune(), trees = 100, engine = "ranger", mode = "regression")"
is also a valid input. It is essential to include the package prefix if the package is not loaded.- regression.tune_values
(default), a data.frame/data.table/tibble, or a function. The data.frame must contain the possible hyperparameter value combinations to try. The column names must match the names of the tunable parameters specified inregression.model
. Ifregression.tune_values
is a function, then it should take one argumentx
which is the training data for the current coalition and returns a data.frame/data.table/tibble with the properties described above. Using a function allows the hyperparameter values to change based on the size of the coalition See the regression vignette for several examples. Note, to make it easier to callexplain()
from Python, theregression.tune_values
can also be a string containing an R function. For example,"function(x) return(dials::grid_regular(dials::mtry(c(1, ncol(x)))), levels = 3))"
is also a valid input. It is essential to include the package prefix if the package is not loaded.- regression.vfold_cv_para
(default) or a named list containing the parameters to be sent torsample::vfold_cv()
. See the regression vignette for several examples.- regression.recipe_func
(default) or a function that that takes in arecipes::recipe()
object and returns a modifiedrecipes::recipe()
with potentially additional recipe steps. See the regression vignette for several examples. Note, to make it easier to callexplain()
from Python, theregression.recipe_func
can also be a string containing an R function. For example,"function(recipe) return(recipes::step_ns(recipe, recipes::all_numeric_predictors(), deg_free = 2))"
is also a valid input. It is essential to include the package prefix if the package is not loaded.- regression.surrogate_n_comb
Positive integer. Specifies the number of unique coalitions to apply to each training observation. The default is the number of sampled coalitions in the present iteration. Any integer between 1 and the default is allowed. Larger values requires more memory, but may improve the surrogate model. If the user sets a value lower than the maximum, we sample this amount of unique coalitions separately for each training observations. That is, on average, all coalitions should be equally trained.
- timeseries.fixed_sigma
Positive numeric scalar. Represents the kernel bandwidth in the distance computation. The default value is 2.
- timeseries.bounds
Numeric vector of length two. Specifies the lower and upper bounds of the timeseries. The default is
, i.e. no bounds. If one or both of these bounds are notNULL
, we restrict the sampled time series to be between these bounds. This is useful if the underlying time series are scaled between 0 and 1, for example.- vaeac.depth
Positive integer (default is
). The number of hidden layers in the neural networks of the masked encoder, full encoder, and decoder.- vaeac.width
Positive integer (default is
). The number of neurons in each hidden layer in the neural networks of the masked encoder, full encoder, and decoder.- vaeac.latent_dim
Positive integer (default is
). The number of dimensions in the latent space.- vaeac.activation_function
representing an activation function such as, e.g.,torch::nn_relu()
, ortorch::nn_sigmoid()
Positive numeric (default is
). The learning rate used in thetorch::optim_adam()
optimizer.- vaeac.n_vaeacs_initialize
Positive integer (default is
). The number of different vaeac models to initiate in the start. Pick the best performing one aftervaeac.extra_parameters$epochs_initiation_phase
epochs (default is2
) and continue training that one.- vaeac.epochs
Positive integer (default is
). The number of epochs to train the final vaeac model. This includesvaeac.extra_parameters$epochs_initiation_phase
, where the default is2
.- vaeac.extra_parameters
Named list with extra parameters to the
approach. Seevaeac_get_extra_para_default()
for description of possible additional parameters and their default values.