A mask generator which masks the entries in the input completely at random.
mcar_mask_generator(masking_ratio = 0.5, paired_sampling = FALSE)
Numeric between 0 and 1. The probability for an entry in the generated mask to be 1 (masked).
Boolean. If we are doing paired sampling. So include both S and \(\bar{S}\).
, then batch
must be sampled using paired_sampler()
which ensures that the batch
two instances for each original observation. That is, batch
\(= [X_1, X_1, X_2, X_2, X_3, X_3, ...]\), where
each entry \(X_j\) is a row of dimension \(p\) (i.e., the number of features).
The mask generator mask each element in the batch
(N x p) using a component-wise independent Bernoulli
distribution with probability masking_ratio
. Default values for masking_ratio
is 0.5, so all
masks are equally likely to be generated, including the empty and full masks.
The function returns a mask of the same shape as the input batch
, and the batch
can contain
missing values, indicated by the "NaN" token, which will always be masked.
Input: \((N, p)\) where N is the number of observations in the batch
and \(p\) is the number of features.
Output: \((N, p)\), same shape as the input
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
mask_gen <- mcar_mask_generator(masking_ratio = 0.5, paired_sampling = FALSE)
batch <- torch::torch_randn(c(5, 3))
} # }