• Martin Jullum. Maintainer, author.

  • Lars Henry Berge Olsen. Author.

  • Annabelle Redelmeier. Author.

  • Jon Lachmann. Author.

  • Nikolai Sellereite. Author.

  • Anders Løland. Contributor.

  • Jens Christian Wahl. Contributor.

  • Camilla Lingjærde. Contributor.

  • Norsk Regnesentral. Copyright holder, funder.



Jullum M, Olsen L, Redelmeier A, Lachmann J, Sellereite N (2024). shapr: Prediction Explanation with Dependence-Aware Shapley Values. R package version 1.0.1, https://github.com/NorskRegnesentral/shapr/, https://norskregnesentral.github.io/shapr/.

  title = {shapr: Prediction Explanation with Dependence-Aware Shapley Values},
  author = {Martin Jullum and Lars Henry Berge Olsen and Annabelle Redelmeier and Jon Lachmann and Nikolai Sellereite},
  year = {2024},
  note = {R package version 1.0.1, https://github.com/NorskRegnesentral/shapr/},
  url = {https://norskregnesentral.github.io/shapr/},